
connect #26

Our lives are connected to the past, present and future. Various things happened, and what I thought to be the point became a line, and now there is. Evaluation is done by others, but you can decide for yourself whether it is good or bad. …


カラーバス効果 ある特定のものを意識し始めると関連情報が自然と目に留まりやすくなる心理効果のこと。 なるほどね! 好きなことだったり、好きなものだったり、今やろうとしてることだったりやたらに情報入ってくると思ってたんだよね!! 人間の脳は意識…


Summer flower, sunflower. A symbol of energy that shows the position of the sun. I like sunflower fields and I like decorating them at home. No matter what happens, it will surely bloom well next year. Whatever happens, we must walk up and…

palette #24

Initially a pure white palette. When you finish drawing it looks like this. Unexpected art spreads there. Life is like that!! Mixing different colors to create a taste. Interesting because I can't predict. That's fine, right??